Secondary school offers are made to students on 1st March each year. Not all of these places are accepted. 2010/11 data shows that of the 391 students at primary schools in the Sevenoaks area who were offered secondary schools in Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells, 55 (14%) of these places were not accepted. This creates spaces at schools which are subsequently filled via the appeal process and waiting lists and frequently this process is administered by the individual secondary schools.
From the offer data it is possible to get a reasonable idea of the scale of the problem.
The data shows that there are 160+ children each year being sent to out of town grammars. If we multiply this figure by 7 years we reach 1,120 children, which is very close to the 1,150 that has been cited in recent media coverage.
The data shows that there are a further 160+ children each year being sent to out of town faith and non-selective schools. Again, this equates to 1,120 children.
The data reflects schools in the southern area of the district as shown on the map.
Secondary School Offers for Sevenoaks Students
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