Kent County Council has published a mammoth document which outlines its commissioning strategy for early years, primary, secondary, post 16 and SEN across Kent.
The document itself contains some interesting data on birth rates across the different districts vs Kent and the national picture and Sevenoaks in particular seems to be much higher.
If you are interested in education provision locally, for any age group, please try to read it and provide feedback.
Having attended a consultation meeting for Headteachers and Governors today it is clear that there are many valid points that should be raised during this consultation which runs until the 19th June.
The more we as a community get involved in this process, the more likely we are to end up with education services that meet our needs.
KCC is no longer an education provider - it is a commissioner. What does this mean? It means that they have to work with providers such as schools, academies, free schools and so on to meet the need for places. Schools are able to expand almost at will (within their existing buildings) and if expansion will help KCC meet the need for places that it predicts is required, it will fund the capital to create such places.
The educational landscape is changing. This is another chance for this community to have its voice heard.