Please complete the survey before Sunday 15th July 2012
KCC has identified a future shortfall of 180 secondary school places for the area and is planning to create 4 additional forms of entry at a selective grammar annexe based in Sevenoaks and add 2 additional forms of entry to Knole Academy, taking it to 10 per year. The current plan is to have these additional places available by September 2015.
The creation of schools is no longer solely within KCC’s control. This means that if another organisation were to set up a separate school then KCC may need to reconsider its current plans. This survey provides an opportunity for residents to signal their requirements for education now and in the future.
Why should I complete this survey?
This is a unique chance to express your views on an issue that could affect you and your children’s future. We need to get as big a response as possible to ensure any ideas represent the entire community. Even if your children are already at secondary school, your experiences are really helpful to us. Please help us to shape the provision of secondary education in Sevenoaks.