- Its admission policy http://www.sevenoakschristianschool.org.uk/?page_id=1152
- Its prospectus http://www.sevenoakschristianschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/SCS+Prospectus+for+web.pdf
- And has launched its consultation which takes the form of an online questionnaire on its website here: http://www.sevenoakschristianschool.org.uk/?page_id=1224 or via a printed leaflet/pdf which can be returned by post
An open consultation meeting will be held at Vine Baptist Church, Park Lane, Sevenoaks on 26th September 2012 at 7.30pm. This will give interested parties the opportunity to hear more about the proposals and ask any questions they may have. Comments received on paper, online or at the meeting will be collated into a consultation report which will be sent for consideration to the Secretary of State.
If you have any views on the proposals, for or against, do ensure that they are captured via this official consultation. Examples from other parts of the country have demonstrated that unless captured via the official consultation the results are unlikely to be included in the submission to the Department for Education.